Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Week twenty four

Clark and I went for a morning walk on Sunday to the park. More time was spent on the way to and from the park playing with shadows, rather than at the park itself. Clark is fascinated with shadows at the moment with endless requests at dinner time for his father to create shadow puppets on the wall... more often than not a request for a dinosaur. The light created perfect silhouettes on our walk on Sunday, with Clark running, chasing my shadow and jumping on it after every few steps. Such simple moments that really made our weekend more full. 

I just love how Clark can know so many different animals and dinosaurs by name. His language grows daily, with 'asking questions' my focus right now. I do also love how he counts on his fingers as he lists animals or names or people in our family. And when he cannot remember a name he pauses, pointing to the next finger and asks "what comes next?". My very clever boy. My clever boy who bows when we tell him he is a clever boy. One hand on his chest, one hand behind his back... and bow. 

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