Sunday, 19 May 2013

Week twenty

The cold has truly set in this week! And this weekend we lapped up as much of the (almost) winter sunshine as we could. It was a big gardening weekend for us, and Clark really loved helping us. He raked and dug and followed us around all weekend. The leaves have almost all turned and this Japanese Maple has the last of them. Not for long however as the wind blew them off faster today than we could rake them.

It was also a very social weekend, surprisingly. We went to a lovely 1st birthday party on Saturday, and my shy boy made an appearance. Snuggled in to Glenn for the first half an hour, and then sitting with me quietly to the side while he had some afternoon. After a while he warmed up and was running around playing with the balloons happily. For we did learn this week just how much our boy loves balloons! A few friends commented on how he seemed like a different boy from when he arrived, and each time I made a joke about adding sugar and giving him a chance to warm up. However the thing is, our boy is shy sometimes and that is ok. I read a blog post this week by the lovely Kelle Hampton ( and she wrote about her girls and allowing their beautiful personalities to shine, be that shy or otherwise. While I encourage Clark to come out from behind my legs or from being buried in my chest, I think sometimes that this is more for the benefit of others. Yes, I want Clark to feel comfortable and to not be nervous around others, and I do not want him to miss out because of his shyness, however I also need to accept that this will happen in its own good time. Shy should not be seen as a negative or lesser part of Clark's personality, but just another layer that makes up the wonderful boy that he is.

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