Sunday, 28 April 2013

Week seventeen

My funny boy has many expressions, yet I seem to catch only a handful of them on film. Today we were taking some last minute photos while Glenn was making coffee. When Clark heard the 'clock clock' of the old coffee grinds being knocked out he pulled a face and asked "what is that?". This is the face that went with it. The last two weeks I have posted photos of Clark looking down at what he was doing, so this week I wanted to choose a photo that shoes his beautiful blue eyes.

It amazes me that my boy is now two and a half years old. We had a busy birthday week (my 34th) and he coped so well through it all. We have had a week of cafe culture, and watching the people march on the tv with the horses. Dinners out with family and a sleepover at Nanna and Grandad's house. Trips to the markets and playdates with (my)Chelsea at the National Museaum. I feel sometimes that our weeks fly by with the day to day of life, however this week we did it all and savoured it all. Ending with a shopping trip to buy our winter coats and a new pair of boots for Clark ("I like it!")

And I have to include a sneaky extra picture from the morning of my birthday, which is exactly 6 months after Clark's birthday:



Monday, 22 April 2013

Week sixteen

I decided to try playing with light this week. Ok, so really we had a bit of a rough week with illness (mine this time) and tantrums (everyone's) and I did not feel inclined to get out the camera.  On Sunday afternoon I finally bit the bullet and decided to play with the afternoon light. A spattering of photos here and there and nothing I am happy with. So I am posting a photo. Of my beautiful boy and the concentration he has when a pen is placed in his hand. Sitting and drawing, as I did, at the table my grandfather made.

There are many challenges in trying to capture photos of my boy, including finding the right light to vanquish the shadows thrown by his beautifully chubby cheeks and deep set eyes that are straight from my husband. I love seeing such an obvious likeness and connection between the two of them in this way, the kind that makes people say "Oh he really is his father's son". However it is the look of concentration that they share, particularly when drawing, that really stands out to me. 

This photo has too much contrast, too much afternoon light in an otherwise dark room, or maybe it was the angle I was sitting at (and a million camera factors I am yet to learn). However it is the photo I choose to post this week, of my beautiful son doing something that he loves


Monday, 15 April 2013

Week fifteen

My boy does love a milkshake. We indulged him this week on a lovely brunch out with friends. His choice of flavour? Caramel. He loved it and had to be warned against drinking it all at once... more than once. 

I feel we have hit the start of the cold season with a bang. Colds already, and burnt fingers to boot. While I am embracing the chill in the air, I foresee a long winter ahead. Clark has been particularly rambunctious the last few days, I think resulting from too much time indoors while we have been recuperating. In the same way that I plan ahead for activities with the children in my programs at work, I think I need to work on a plan for our activities during winter. When we (I) may not want to leave the warmth of the house! I welcome ideas!

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Week fourteen

My boy had a cold this week. Well a pretty nasty cold that had him off childcare all week. We spent a lot of time indoors playing, as well as lots of pyjama time! 

Hoping for a week ahead full of more energy... for all of us. 

Monday, 1 April 2013

Week thirteen

Happy Easter! Happy Autumn! 

We had one of those weekends. Glorious sunshine with cool mornings. Autumn has set and I love it. We created our autumn tree (which I shall blog about later perhaps), were prompted to go for a walk up the hill to see the kangaroos, and had an Easter Egg hunt. Meals with friends and family and too much chocolate... our boy thrived at times and crashed on the other side of it at others. More and more we are learning when we can push Clark and fit him around our life and that of those around us, and when we need to just sit at home and read stories.  

Clark wore his rabbit ears, as made at childcare, all weekend. They started the weekend pristine and ended the weekend a little grubby and worn. 

So it is Monday night and I am a day late with my blog but I really was not inclined to sit and choose photos until now. With my boy in bed (sniffles, cough and all) and a busy work week looming, it is nice to reflect on all we did and what a wonderful weekend it was. 

How long until the next long weekend?